Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He Just Belongs Here

Way back when we had Clara, and she was born with a cleft lip and palate, Pete's grandpa wrote us a letter and said that God only gives you what you can handle...I have always thought of that in difficult times. Not that we are having a really difficult time, but we are all still adjusting to having a 4th child in the house. Most of the time Charlie is sweet, funny, loving, silly, etc...but, he certainly is challenging at times. He can have terribly loud, kicking, screaming temper tantrums over seemingly minor things (like telling him to stop picking his nose) and they can last 30 minutes! It's difficult, but I keep telling myself there is probably more to it than whatever set him off (like some memory of his orphanage, ayi's etc). He now calls me "mama" about 95% of the time (instead of ayi)...the other 5% of the time is "ayi-mama". I think that's definite progress. Here is a picture of CJ and Charlie being silly and one of sweet Amelia! Charlie definitely fits in here and belongs with us...God knew the perfect child for our family.

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