Saturday, September 20, 2008

How to Pass These Last Few Hours

You'd think we had more to do than post on our blog. But, really, these last few hours have dragged by! So, we got up this morning and went on a long walk around the lake. There are several amusement parks (rinky dink little rides, but rides nonetheless) and we saw tons and tons of families with kids. They were as interested in us as we were in them. So many people said hello (in English) and one group of teenagers yelled "Welcome to China!" We just loved it! I love the area this hotel is's full of beautiful old trees, lakes, and interesting people. We then came back to the hotel and went for lunch at a Chinese restaurant down the street. Delicious food...we had some sort of spicy cabbage, among other things. It reminded me of a dish we used to order in a restaurant in Los Angeles (the restaurant is called Ho's in West LA if you are ever there...yummy!) We need to learn to say "water" and "rice" in Chinese though...we couldn't get it across to the waitress! And, boy were we thirsty!

On our walk we came across this old man playing an instrument (I have to find out what it's called)...he had a little box out for money. He was happy to let us take pictures and video and so grateful for the money we gave hime. I've posted a little video of it here.
1 1/2 hours and counting...


Mailia's Mom said...

I cant help with "rice" but water is "shui" as in Feng Shui. pronounced shwee or shway.
Your son is gorgeous! What a great smile.

Shirley Hauer
Mailia's Mom (Maili-CHI list 11)

Mom2Three said...

"Water" is "shway" and have it rise a little at the end...
Rice... I am not sure!!!!

Congrats on Charlie!!!!